Learning Record

Learning Record is an action that can be used to record a learner's learning progress in the 3spin Learning database.


This action is the first step towards integrating the 3spin Learning platform with Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Currently, authors can use the Learning Record action to store an entry in the WMS database that records which user completed which training and when.

The next release (version 2020.4, which you will receive as an automatic upgrade) will include a feature to export the records as a CSV file via SFTP directly to your servers.

We would be happy to adapt the export format to your needs, e.g. as an Excel file with your individual configuration. Please contact our support for further information.

In further expansion stages we will additionally implement the XAPI (a standard interface for LMS).

Working with the Learning Record-Action

Add Learning Record-Action

Click Add Action in the side panel under the trigger to which you want to assign the action.


From the dropdown...


...select the Learning Record action.

Edit properties

In the side panel, go to the action you are looking for.

In the current version only the Training Completed option is available, more options will follow in later releases.
