Version 2022.1

What's new in 3spin Learning version 2022.1

New Features

  • New Variables Module to set and use own Number and True/False Variables
    • Add and name Variables Modules in local scenes or global
    • Create your own Number Variables, name them, and set an initial value
    • Create your own True/False Variables, name them, and set an initial value
  • New Action Modify Variable
    • Use simple math operations like Subtract, Add, Multiply with a number or the value of another Number Variable
    • Set a new value of a Number Variable and overwrite the current value with a number, the initial value (like a Reset), or the value of another Number Variable
    • Toggle the current value of a True/False Variable
    • Set a new value of a True/False Variable and overwrite the current value with true/false, the initial value (like a Reset), or the value of another True/False Variable
  • New Condition Compare Variable
    • Use simple math comparisons like Greater/Equal, Smaller/Equal, Equals with a number, the initial value, or the value of another Number Variable
    • Check if the value equals true or false, the initial value, or the value of another True/False Variable
  • New Condition Object Is Active
    • Check if an object is shown and active or hidden and inactive
  • New Condition Trigger Is Running
    • Check if a trigger and its actions are still running
  • Copy & Paste in WMS
    • Copy and paste Objects or Groups from one scene to another scene
    • Copy and paste Objects or Groups from local scenes to global and vice versa
    • Copy and paste Objects, Groups, or complete Scenes from one training to another training
  • New Action Feedback Subtype Message
    • Show a Snackbar Message with short text for a few seconds
  • Behaviours on Image and Text Objects
    • Set Movable to allow Image and Text Objects to get grabbed and moved around
    • Set Teleportable to forbid or allow teleporting on Image or Text Objects
    • Set Collidable to choose if an Image or Text Object collides with other Objects
    • Set Physics to make Image and Text Objects get physical characteristics
    • Configure Tags on Image and Text Objects to make them a valid target for Trigger Enter or Leave
    • Action Change Behaviour now can be used on Image and Text Objects, too


  • New Toolbar for Learner and Spectator in "Learn together" training
  • Added Quit and Fullscreen-Toggle Button for Desktop App
  • Added possibility to view and change size and position properties of many scene objects via the Side Panel in WMS
  • Added automatic fixing of invalid training configuration when loading training for editing
  • Team admins are allowed to update their team names
  • Added team role to User List page


  • Changed Asset List Entries to not include training and history counts to improve loading times
  • Changed Training List Entries to not include scene and asset counts to improve loading times
  • Disabled Cut functionality via Keyboard Shortcut for Triggers and Actions. Please use Copy/Paste and remove the unnecessary Triggers and Actions manually

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused inactive controllers to appear at the head position on the Oculus Quest
  • Fixed Helper Companion Action Appear at Position allowing waypoints from other scenes to be selectable in dropdown
  • Fixed the change of Physics Behaviour running state being overridden when handling the object during execution of the Change Behaviour Action
  • Fixed an issue where the world anchor menu could not be used correctly on the HoloLens
  • Fixed the fade-in happening too early by improving performance when switching scenes and by increasing the maximum timeout to fade back in

Coming Soon

  • Courses and Units
  • 3D Asset glTF / GLB support