Show Asset is an Action that shows a training object in the current scene.
Use this action to show a hidden object (asset or hotspot). The object you specify as the target of this action must have been previously added to the training and be in a hidden state.
The inverse function to is Hide Asset. The two together are the counterpart to the Activate Module and Deactivate Module function pair used for modules.
When you display sounds, videos or Enivronment - 360 videos using the Show Asset action, this action is considered complete as soon as playback starts. If you want to wait for the playback to finish before performing the next action, use the Wait action here.
Working with the Show Asset Action
Adding a Show Asset Action
In the Side Panel, click Add Action under the trigger to which you want to assign the action.
From the dropdown ... the Show Asset Action.
Edit properties
Go to the action in the side panel.
In the dropdown you can set the type of action. In the area below you adjust the specific settings of the selected Action.
Show / Hide Layers
If you have selected a 3D model as the target for the Show Asset / Hide Asset Action, the Layers area appears in the side panel below the target:
These so-called layers describe the object hierarchy within the 3D model. So you have the possibility to show or hide not only the whole 3D Model, but also single parts of it.
The layers are addressed in path notation (like web pages), e.g. root/object1.
Since the layers reflect the so-called "game object hierarchy" in Unity, you can in principle control all named parts of the 3D model.
You can also control several parts at the same time by separating their addresses by return, comma or semicolon.
Unfortunately, for technical reasons, it is not possible to automatically display the layers present in a 3D Model, since their structure can be very different and complex. So you need to know the internal structure of the 3D Model to access the layers. For more details on how to create 3D Models, see the Using your own assets page.